1.Compulsory Rotary Internship in Goa Medical College from 22.06.1992 to 20.06.1993.
2.Junior Resident in the Department of Medicine with effect from 19.09.1993 to 07.02.1994
3.Junior Resident in the Department of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases with effect from 08.02.1994 to 31.01.1997.
a)Active management of the acute and critically ill patients of respiratory diseases during routine and emergency hours under the supervision of senior resident.
b)Management of the patients with acute and chronic respiratory diseases at out patient level.
c)Active participation in the post graduate teaching programs of the department.
d)Conducting bedside clinics for the undergraduate students during second and third year of residency.
4.Senior Resident in the Department of Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases of Goa Medical College with effect from 22.03.1997 to March 2000.
a)Active and independent management of the critically ill patients of the respiratory diseases at indoor level during routine and emergency hours.
b)Supervision of the work of Junior Resident at indoor and patient level.
c)Independent management of the patients with acute and chronic respiratory diseases at out patient level.
d)To attend interdepartmental references where expert opinion is required for respiratory problem.
e)To conduct bedside clinic for undergraduate students.
f)Active participation in all the postgraduate teaching programmers of the Department.
g)Independent charge of well equipped 82 bedded tuberculosis and chest hospital during emergency hours (5.00pm to 9.00am) on rotational.
1)Practicing as a Chest Physician in Vasco wef. April 2000.
2)Hon. Chest Physician to Salgaoncar Medical Research Centre & Mormugao Port Trust
3)Panel Doctor to Indian Oil Corporation, Life Insurance Corporation , Hindustan Petroleum Ltd
4)Hon. Physician to Air India.
5)Past President & Past Secretary of Mormugao branch of Indian Medical Association.
6)Organizing Secretary of Annual Goa State Indian Medical Association Conference GIMACON,2005
7)Director General Of Shipping of India approved Medical Examiner
8)Authorized Medical Attendant for Central Govt. employees
10)Indian Medical Association Goa State secretary 2012
11)Indian Medical Association Goa State Website Editor from 2013 till date
12)Indian Medical Association Goa State President Elect 2019
13)Panel doctor of Spice Jet airways
14)Medical Supd to VM Salgaonkar Hospital.
1)Life Member Of Indian Chest Society
2)Life Member of Indian Medical Association
3)Life Member Of Indian Assoc of Occupational health
4)Gold Member Of European Respiratory Society
5)Member of American Thoracic Society
6)Fellow of College of Chest Physicians , USA
1)IMA National President’s Appreciation Award 2019
2) Appreciation Award By IMA Margao in Jan 2020